The Researched Critical Analysis (RCA) paper was to help guide our research in Assistive Technology and anything related to the purpose behind these devices. Some groups were able to take advantage of this extended opportunity to form their devices, while others chose to research on something that piqued their interests. For this assignment, I had chosen to write about the various learning disorders that are present within the classroom and how educators can better assist those who do struggle with the disorder but may be unaware of. This topic was what stood out to me the most when searching for topics to cover. A lot of my friends in high school, including myself, had some hard times understanding the curriculum as well as the lessons being taught to us; some found out that they had a disorder, while the rest of us sat oblivious to what could possibly be going on within ourselves.
Overall, I think I established the importance of recognizing these disorders through my piece. I had made sure I included sections that were dedicated in conveying the symptoms that could happen daily. The objective of the paper assignment was to, “Conduct a researched study of the issue that your assistive technology creation remedies…Your perspective has a place here…” (Rodwell Syllabus, page 4). In my piece I had failed to tie in what research I had did and how it related to my official assistive device technology for the other portion of this class. In this regard, I did not meet that requirement. As well thought out as I think I sound throughout this paper, I did not specify my device pathway and showcase the research I have done for this device. This was something on my list of things to keep track of when writing such big pieces, making sure that I stay on track of what is being asked of me.
Sticking to the topic I did choose to write in full about, I accomplished a well understanding of the various learning disorders hidden in classrooms. Dysgraphia, dyscalculia, & auditory processing disorders are all heavily prevalent in schools and learning institutions that have serious effects outside of curriculum. When I discussed these effects, I made sure to emphasize why it is important to know if those things are happening currently. A lot of people may think that their symptoms or ways of thinking are just their very own common occurrences, not something to look deeper into. My intended goal was to show that there are always important reasons to ask questions and let your mind think: Is this something that could/is happening to me? I feel as though this will lead to a lot of people bettering their understandings to the world around them, which I also feel I did well at conveying. The design of my essay was done intentional to clearly give the reader the information they needed to keep in mind, then how there are devices as well as lesson adjustments that educators can do.
To end, I accomplished laying out my perspective as well as providing the reader a researched piece that shows how small adjustments can lead to bigger successes. I have thought many times about pursuing an educational career, but think I am better suited at just helping those around me understand and analyze what is around them. That is something I am very passionate about and am happy that I got to research, and ultimately better educate myself, on how classrooms can be so diverse. Writing this paper introduced different factors of a classroom dynamic that I hadn’t even thought about, it broadened and strengthened my understanding all the better. This paper definitely helped shape what exactly it is I would like to do after college.